I AM the best at my craft.
Because it comes from my soul, and No one else is me.
As you are YOU!
And I don't state it out of arrogance but from a deep love and wholehearted respect for the light that the highest power entrusted me to light up the hearts ♥️ of all the women I have worked with throughout the years and that I continue to coach.
I don't have a cookie-cutter approach—a program per se that fits into a box. It is an experience like JC, my husband would say and remind me when I get caught up in the logistics and technicality of things:
"Your coaching is you, not your programs, retreats, or the tools you use. It is you. and your natural talent to move energy and to "see" beyond" – that's why my clients have tongue twists when trying to explain what I do because it is unique to them! And no one can experience that for them.
Then I remember and sink in into my being.
"Ah, yes! This is how embodiment and flow feel."
But I did not always believe in myself, which is why I would go back to another company every time I was laid off, insisting and resisting change!
Or kept an online boutique that was robbing me of my peace or would sabotage my boundaries and emotional well-being to please others.
The Universe was speaking to my stubborn self loudly and clearly. At times would shout!: "Hey, you have a different purpose. Just go be it"!
Deep down, I did not want to listen!
Truth be told, I was afraid of my light!
I was literally and figuratively fighting to be seen, validated, and heard.
When all I needed to do was see and hear MYSELF...
But every time I was standing at the edge about to jump into the unknown, I would take a few steps back, secretly terrified...
Sh&t, what if it is too much?!
What if they don't like me?
What if it is a total embarrassment?
What if I am labeled and ostracized?
But wait!
What happens if I don't show up as the highest version of myself?
What would happen if I continued to play small and hide?
What happens if I don't honor the energy of my spoken and written word to spark powerful and magical activations?
Today I live with joy and freedom to be who I AM.
Do I have challenges? You better believe it. Big ones! I don't shy away from sharing them, sometimes with the world, because there might be a lesson for someone that needs to know or the ones that are only meant to be lived privately and with clients. And I embrace them because it gives me the wisdom to keep going and serving at my highest self.
I consciously envisioned this work and life ten years ago, but I have felt it in my core since I was a 9-year-old girl, playing in the mountains of the picturesque town of Zarcero in Costa Rica – my dad's hometown.
I manifested being in my sacred home office, with a tent in the backyard hosting experiences for the women who are 100% committed to shining their light.
Simple yet powerful.
Today invite yourself to listen to your heart and soul without bullsh&^ting yourself. Truly listen and hear the honest, brutal truth about who you are and what you want. It is YOUR Life, after all, right?! Why would you copy it or compare it?
You are unique. Do it your way! Commit to honoring it wholeheartedly NOW because it goes by really fast!
So commit today!
Who are YOU?
What is it that you are resisting?
What do you really, and I mean really, want to feel and experience when you are living your purposeful Life?
Please share with me your I AM statements and send them to dv@dayannavalenciano.com!
Because when you share them with the world, you sign an agreement and commit to yourself!